Most developers use Angular, React and Vue.js JavaScript frameworks to create web apps. Although 3 mentioned frameworks can be of great help in solving web development tasks, they considerably differ from each other, which raised a fair question: Which one has gained the most popularity or is considered the most productive?

In the present article the above-listed frameworks are being compared to assist novice developers in making correct choice on what will be most suitable specifically for their purposes.

As the time of preparing the present article there is no any world-wide statistic  available to us  that could show which JavaScript frameworks take the first place, but analyzing of current ( vacancies open has provided us withsuch ratings:

  • first place with 78.1% – React
  • second place with 21.0% – Angular
  • third place with 0.8% – Vue.js
  • fourth place with 0.1% – unspecified environments

According to StackOverflow study data sixty seven percent of developers voted for React, at the same time forty two percent of programmers gave their votes for Angular.

On the basis of the above data it looks like React gains the biggest recognition of all mentioned frameworks. Still, can we sum up stating that React also shows the best effectiveness?

Well, not exactly. React is unquestionably very popular because developers of super known platforms (Instagram,Facebook ) used them. Conversely, VueJs seems to be in the top of frameworks on Github with five stars rates.

Our belief that most effective method for comparing these 3 frameworks is take into account the set of indicators which are substantial to developers, rather than refer to experience of other people .

Here are the most substantial aspects to pay attention to:

1. Rendering – generating and displaying final result

For comparing JS frameworks, let’s first take a look at such process as page rendering . There 2 types in modern architecture as follows. First one- page rendering on serverside. And second – rendering on clientside.

Document Object Model(DOM)  is a model which makes possible reading and changing the designing and the content of documents  HTML , or even their structure. Every framework has specific approaches to DOM processing, which impacts the final page  rendering  displayed at users monitor.

React just like Vue.js makes and processes  copies of DOM,  after that make the results comparison with initial versions. On users monitor that means in the final documents just that parts of the pages, which differs from processing results, are being replaced.

Page rendering as well as process of loading are significantly sped up due to this, and simultaneously  volume of traffic  is reduced,  which is of great importance  for users particularly if we talk about mobile devices.

DOM is Processed by Angular in 2 key parts.  Rendering involves usage of client part (web browsers). Such activities as code and services loading, as well as directive creation involve usage of serverpart.

2. Component Architecture

To be more precise React isn’t actually a traditional framework in itself, but

modified library of sorts, that is fine-tuned under ModelViewController, so that MODEL is involved in provision of data , VIEW  respectively in displaying model data for users,  CONTROLLER in users’ actings  interpretation plus triggering Model to activate necessary corrections. Yet,Angular and Vue.js  are indeed frameworks.

When project’s architecture is built using React, it’ll predetermine:

  • necessity of searching and implementing extra libraries to implement each task;
  • increasing difficulties in engaging other development teams for working on project, because of differences in the stack of libraries of each app;
  • app functional part need to be set up for a specific library.

In that way, architecture implementation will be more time consuming. Overmuch configuration is needed for Lowlevel Application Programming Interface(API).

Challenges related to libraries selection along with customization for various tasks with Angular framework and Vue.js  will be the thing of the past. The Highlevel A P I will provide backwards compatibility for each library. This will help new programming specialists with connecting to the project without spending a great number of hours or days for studying application architectures.

Unifying of processes is among key reasons why fullfledged frameworks have so big popularity.

3. Orientation & dependency classes

React supports only oneway data transfering. Same thing is also  true for Vue.js. In such matter, objects are encapsulatedin React. Basically, every app object is referring to final procedures, so users actions  are not required  until the work ending.

It should be mentioned that React supports copy as well as transfer status, meaning there is ability to restore registered objects  properties  on other devices simply by running the app and reporting components status. Because of this, rendering will be absolutely identiс as well as the picture  on used devices screens.

Vue.js  operates slightly dissimilarly. Thus JS is oneway, however,components work with templates. There exists supporting for JavaScript XML due to which the transitions from React and analogous libraries becomes simpler. Directives constructing with Vue.js enables to automate processes logic. For getting some extra functionalities you simply need to add directive that is required . Suppose you have intention to make some block elements moving along the page. Only thing required is directive adding to object properties. Making such not difficult procidure you can drag them over the screen just using the mouse.

Angular  differs in processes logic. It’s true that everything characteristic of Vue.js framework is there, however descriptions of objects interaction  occur in services which are modules parts.

When there is intention to develop comprehensive apps, modular architectures are very useful . Modules are built to solve several tasks which have functionality of a like nature. Hence,  the processing speeds is in inverse proportion to the code sizes. Code’s size reduction leads to speed increasing.

ModelViewViewModel (MVVM) supporting gives the opportunity of solving various tasks in same app section with usage of same data set. Twoway direction of data transfering is determined by dependency of functions. Every procedure is able to activate a different process.

4. Backwards compatibility

Ability of updating the architecture with the purpose of connecting new modules and libraries  is very important for app developers.


Fullyfledged framework. There exists complete dependency on earlier versions, components. For example there isn’t such possibility as to perform direct transition from version 3 to 4, so this means you must sequentially install each existing update between needed versions. So it would undoubtedly result in an irrational app volume increasing.


Library. There exists complete compatibility between existing versions, which really is of great  importance. The libraries of various versions can be connected to the app, updating ones that are out-of-date.


According to Evan Yu’s statement (who is сhief Vue.js programmer) – progressive framework. Similar to React modular system but has all attributes of JS framework, which itself works with fullbackwards compatibility.

5. Сommunity & Documentation – “Technical supporting”

Before starting any framework studying, you may want to know that for each of them there exist certain circle of followers. So the higher popularity the framework has, the bigger its community is. Thats why if you want to take advantage and be in step with new released updates, to join the community of framework that you chose is of great  importance. By doing this you’ll also simplify the process of finding solutions to different difficulties that you may experience while trying to dive into chosen framework. The higher project’s complexity, the more frequently programmers refer to technical documentation of the certain environment that they chose, and turn to  relevant community. For that reason, one should compare each JS framework “supporting”  proactively.


React community  is indeed very large, however some updates on a daily  basis rendered it this community completely ineffective. Given that community representative wouldn’t invariably have time for studying updates which arrive daily and time to assist members properly.

On one side, given that there exist a huge number of experienced programmers from across the globe in the community, it simplifies problems solving, because you have an opportunity to ask assistance from  programmers in your community and in your native language. It’s very usefull and certanly will save your time.

Sometimes it’s hard to find proper documentation which would be able to explain thoroughly the app processes, properties and functions of  certain library that has been just released.  Typically, fresh module appears by such steps: firstly library is being created by developers for solving some issues in their own projects, after that brief guides are being written by them, and then the groundwork is being put  on the Internet.


If compare VueJS’ community  to Angular’s or React’s, it is substantially smaller. Because of this it can take a great deal of time before questions posted on forums or websites regarding this framework have proper responses. Moreover, a great number of documentation dedicated to VueJS isn’t properly translated into English. So it’s pretty hard to work with it.



In contrast to React and Vue.js, in the case of Angular, there is comprehensive documentation along with guidelines that allow finding needed information without necessity of refering to community. Angular is used by programmers numbering hundred of thousands, so the one who needs help has opportunity of asking for assistance on StackOverflow plus other websites. You’ll certainly find a right person who understands how to find solution to problem that bothers you, or he will give you a clue to where exactly you can look for the answer.


It’s pretty difficult to make comparison of  top frameworks. This analysing was intended for new programmers, to assist them with choosing the right platform for their specific purposes based on above-listed items. Let us summarize:

  1. Your choice should be React/Vue.js in case you need to explore environment as quickly as possible.
  2. Whenever necessary you can easily switch to Vue.js from React/Angular, since the techniques  being used  are close to Angular’s.
  3. You should look at Angular as a base if we are talking about developing a big complex project. This will provide max rendering speed and great flexibility. Furthermore, a great Angular developers community exists, and they can asist you with solving problems that will most likely come up during your working with the app. In referring to Vue.js, currently there are not so many guidelines.
  4. Vue.js will be the perfect option in case more developers are engaged in the developing process further. Given that Vue.js is not only simple-to-learn,but also makes it possible for you to implement required changes in the app without failing its architecture.
  5. In case your project would involve a multiphase upgrade and its functionality extending in nearest future,React or Vue.js should be considered for the reason of their excellent backwards compatibility.

Obviously, there are strong and weak points in every mentioned framework, and all of them are great in their own way. For that reason, one additional key advice: the one that will be simpler to master for a programmers should be used in developing process. Plus, research all available information , be in progress, keep studying, since React as well as Vue.js  are continuously evolving.