Main metrics of a QA process
As part of Quality Assurance, various metrics and indicators of product quality and development process can and should be used. Metrics can be divided into groups according to the parameters on the basis of which they are calculated, according to the stages of the development…
5 best DevOps practices
Now let’s talk about DevOps practices. They are pretty well described in the book “DevSecOps. The Road to Faster, Better and Stronger Software”. Let’s have a look at the main ones. “Automate everything” – automate everything you can. Reduce the amount of manual operation. You…
Role of DevOps for business and how the DevOps culture has been started
Very often you can find “DevOps Engineer” in jobs vacancies titles. But what is this role? And is it a role actually? What is DevOps in general? Which practices does it include? Why does the position name DevOps engineer sound incorrect? Our article is devoted…
Stages of mobile application development
In this article, we will talk about the stages of mobile applications development in AppSoft. If to describe the development process shortly, you will get the following list: Collection of application requirements. Preliminary estimation of development cost. Prototype design. Creation of technical specifications. Development of…
Comparison of JavaScript frameworks: Vue.js, React and Angular (2019)
On the start of a new project, each programmer faces a choice: which JavaScript framework to choose for the website – Vue.js, React or Angular? There are differences between them and sometimes quite substantial. However, each of them is suitable for solving problems. Therefore, only…
How and why we switched to Vue.js
Since long time we made in AppSoft a form of payment that you can see in the profile of any user of application. There is a slider, which allows to select the number of weeks. Depending on the slider, buttons are dynamically updating. So, over…
Full-time IT specialist or IT outsourcing – what is better?
In today’s world, entrepreneurs are looking for various solutions to optimize their business. They often face the question: “What is more profitable: to keep own IT specialist or to hire a specialized company to help?” Having a full-time in-house IT specialist at the company is…
What is the difference between a template solution and custom development?
It is difficult to choose between a template and a unique website: from the one side, you want a truly exclusive product, but from the other, you save money by ordering something simpler. Before making a final decision, you should understand what is what in…
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