10 HOT ideas for your future mobile app
So, you would like to create an application that will definitely make a huge profit, but don’t know how to start? Check our app development ideas forecast for 2019.
1. Messengers
Actively gaining popularity in 2018, messengers will continue to grab the world mobile market and step-by-step occupy the development niches for B2C and B2B. We predict, that in 2019 their usage will be more popular than simple mailing.
2. Games (including AR/ VR games)
iOS 12 release with the integrated development environment AR / VR in September 2018 gave a new breath for the development of interactive games that are tied to reality. Lowering of the professional requirements and investments opens the door to the development of advanced games for everyone.
3. Food delivery
Any applications integrated with large retail chains, manufacturers of fast food, including pizzerias, as well as price aggregator applications, that allow you quickly compare prices and choose the best supplier for delivering lunch to the office or products home is a great app development idea for business.
4. Distance Learning
The active development of distance learning with interactive tests, video chats and online teacher consultations is gaining popularity in many regions: in Russia and America, England and all of the Europe.
5. Travel applications
This app development idea has several branches: taxi calls; booking of tickets and hotels; navigation. Applications that allow you to choose a carrier from a wide list of private owners and transport companies. Booking air and train tickets, hotel reservations. Tickets and related travel services aggregators are actively developing own mobile applications. Some brands are already competing with huge web portals.
6. Banking applications
Banks are actively fighting for their audience, and as a result, during the past 5 years we have seen improved interfaces and expanded functionality of banking mobile applications. In 2019, we hope that it will be possible to forget about the annoying differences in the capabilities of the web version of the bank service and their mobile counterparts, where on every second page you had to face functional limitations and technical support answers: “Please go to the website, this operation is not available at our mobile bank.”
7. Dating applications
The main competitor of dating sites in 2019 are mobile applications. A lot of possibilities from determining the mood of an object till the «distance kisses» will give mobile applications a very unique entourage and we can definitely count them as a valuable app development idea for project.
8. Electronic wallets
Payment using a smartphone began to force out bank cards all over the world. In 2019, we are waiting for the rejection of bank cards and new level of electronic wallets popularity and all kinds of devices (Apple Watch, Google Pixel Watch, etc.), integrated with mobile applications.
9. Cryptocurrency Management
Virtual currency is one of the TOP 2019 business ideas in our rating. Leading banks are trying to research the possibilities of introducing the mechanism of forming bitcoin in their trading, as well as increase reliability and speed of operations using digital technologies. At the same time, trading on cryptocurrency exchanges is growing and involving new participants in the virtual money circulation process every day.
And #10 of our ideas for app development in 2019 are car sharing apps!
Ready to make your own HOT mobile app? Don’t waste a time and contact us right now!
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